Our youngest My Gym students begin their first visual, audial, and spatial exploration as our precious Little Bundles while their parents are guided through a program designed to carefully introduce music and movement in a variety of fun ways that promote the development of a young baby’s mind and body. Baby exercises, songs, dances, infant-safe rides, unique swings, and many other Parent-and-Me adventures await the infant-parent team. This fun and engaging class also include a brief parent discussion element. Each week parents participate in a dialogue about their children’s development and leave with informative handouts.
- Tummy time is incorporated into every class to help your child increase neck and trunk strength in preparation for crawling
- Simple exercises are designed to encourage physical progress toward developmental milestones.
- Little Bundles bond with their parents as they participate together in Parent-and-Me Adventures, perform gentle exercises, sing songs, and learn nursery rhymes
- Babies and parents learn new fun ways to interact together as they participate in our unique program.
- As Little Bundles become more aware of the environment around them, My Gym provides them the opportunity to meet and mingle with other babies.
- Each week, different toys and manipulative objects are used to expose children to new shapes, textures, sights, and sounds